Celebrating the sacraments is at the heart of the life of our parish community. Sacraments are the people of God joining together as a community of faith not just as individuals.
In the celebration of the sacraments we hope to promote a deeper engagement in the meaning, and a new appreciation of the beauty of the sacramental life of our church.
We do this by actively involving people in planning and celebration of all our sacraments, including our Station Masses, Confirmations, weddings, funerals, and baptisms.
As in many other aspects of life, things are different. Engaging the 2 metre physical distancing guidelines we are currently limited to 100 people in two seperate pods of 50 each attending Mass.
New practice and protocols are in place in order to protect and safeguard the health and wellbeing of you and your family and reduce the risk of the spread of Covid19.
Please Note: Your can fulfil your obligation to attend Mass by coming to Mass on any weekday, listening on the radio or participating online.
These changes will take some getting used to as we are all creatures of habit, but you must remember that the changes we have introduced are all about allowing people to pray in a way that is safe. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
The following are the changes introduced for your safety.
· Observing physical distancing inside and outside the Church is very important.
· You will be welcomed at the front door by stewards who will guide you.
· Sanitise your hands at entrance and exit and follow the one way system marked on the floor.
· Pews where you may sit are marked with a green tick.
· People living in the same house may share a pew without physical distancing.
· Priests and Ministers will wear masks and sanitise hands before and after Communion.
. Communion will be received in the hand only.
· Collection baskets for your weekly offering will be available at the entrance and exit.
· Please exit side doors following signage and maintaining physical distance.
· You are free to wear masks in the Church.
· As of the moment there will be no choirs at Masses.
· The church will be closed after each Mass for sanitising.
· The church will continue to be open every day from 12 noon until 6pm for private prayer.
Some of you may prefer to remain in the Church grounds during Mass. You are welcome to do so outdoors, as the carpark will be closed to cars. Speakers will broadcast Mass and communion will be brought out to you from the Sacristy.
Your safety is our primary concern
There is no need to rush back and you may wish to continue to join us in prayer and celebrate Mass from home on local radio 107.1fm. Your prayer from home is a powerful source of grace for all of us.