

Sacrament of Penance (Also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession)

You are welcome to receive the sacrament of penance on Saturday at 12 noon in the Church of Our Lady and St. John, Carrigaline
This sacrament is for spiritual healing. Jesus said to his apostles, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive,they are forgiven; whose sins you shall retain, they are retained,”(John20: 22-23).

This sacrament may be received many times during a person’s life, however in the Church young Catholics confess their sins for the first time before First Communion, around the age of seven.

The sacrament requires:

  • The penitent to Confess all known serious sins (mortal sins) to the priest
  • Seek God’s forgiveness by a sincere Act of Contrition
  • Show remorse by intending to avoid sinfulness in the future and seek absolution from the priest.
  • A penance is given by the priest which should be performed after receiving the sacrament.

In past times the penance was often to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and visit shrines where Jesus lived, preached, suffered or died.
This form of penance is rare nowadays. It is more likely to be in the form of short popular prayers i.e. Our Fathers or Hail Marys.